Welcome, Friends
Hi there friend, and welcome. My name is Chris Stire and I am one of the myriads who have left the Watchtower Society of late. I have been away from it now since October of 1996, and I have not looked back even once. It is quite evident that we as former Jehovah's Witness must support each other when and wherever possible, and that is what I have been doing so full time since 2002. After The Watchtower Friendship was then established to encourage those coming out of the Watchtower Society that this is not an end - but a beginning. Despite the negativity and judgment you may have gone through, at the hands of other Jehovah's Witnesses upon your exit, there IS Happiness, Joy, Love, and Friendship outside of the Watchtower Society. Where you go from this point on is up to you and not mandated by rules and policies that demand loyalty to the Watchtower Society as a prerequisite for God's favor.
We here at After The Watchtower Friendship have followed the direction of Jesus as recorded at John 3:3, where he tells Nicodemus that we must be "born again", that is of water AND spirit. But don't let that scare you away. Such a truth is foreign to the average everyday Jehovah's Witness because they have been forced to believe that they are not worthy of such. Sad.
We are not concerned with why you left, or what led to you leaving the Watchtower Society, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociation, or merely that you just decided it was not for you anymore -having seen the falsehood and rampant error, or having had your questions downplayed and met with criticism. Of late, the Watchtower Society, in their ever tightening grip on the lives of their membership have decreed that anyone at all IN the organization who speaks ill of and in any way, against the organization in even the slightest manner -will now be deemed apostate-like and subject to punishment and even dismissal.
What will be come of those who are thrown out, leave, or abused by such totalitarian tactics...? Well, where they go from that point onward is up to them, but we as well as hundreds of others; ministries, support groups, websites, ect. extend the same hand of compassion and arms of love that Jesus himself did and does. We here at After The Watchtower Friendship will not judge you, force another set of ideas or rules, demand you follow another's ways, or tell you what and how it is. We are all different with different life circumstances, and any sin and wrongdoing is already forgiven and paid for. What we will do is share with you the unconditonal love and grace that Jesus offers you, the same Love and Grace that helped us to freedom in HIM, to follow HIM and invite HIM as Lord and Savior in our life... HIM and not a group of men sitting in an office claiming they alone can determine the Scriptures for us and hence instruct us with their policy, rules, and stipulations. Believe this: YOU ARE LOVED and this even though it may not seem so when you are just out of the Watchtower Society.
Have a browse through this wesbite as it grows. This is our third re-build, as I like to keep up-to-date and current. I look forward to hearing from you. My e-mail is lifeafterwt@sympatico.ca . I make it a point to answer withing 24 hours. Lets be friends.